I went to bed last night confident that the site redesign I had spent basically all weekend on was good to go and was going to be the site design going forward. I went to work operating under this assumption. Once at work I realized that the site was getting all kinds of database errors and was totally unstable. I rushed home at lunch time to reset the site back to normal. I spent the rest of the work day sulking that the site hadn’t worked. When I got home I started to work on a new new site choosing to start entirely from scratch in stead of trying to port over some code from the old site. After a long day of work, we’ve finally got a new, and stable, site. I expect that we shouldn’t see any issues, however if you encounter any, please email me or comment in this post. Disclaimer: Visually, the site is not done. The banner will change, colors may change, etc. I was just working on the functionality. So lets discuss some of the enhancements. I’ve already mentioned that the Tag Cloud is new and will quickly enable you to find comics about any subject. It’s still only got the new style comics tagged, BUT I will be adding everyday to get the Tag Cloud fully functional. Another new feature, first seen in Feb 17th’s comic, is the transcript feature. This will enable you to search the site via text as well. Coming soon is the ability to purchase a high quality print of any comic signed by me and mailed directly to your door, as well as other enhancements that are still in the “feasibility” stage.