I just got back from my forth Bruce Springsteen concert. I am sore all over for standing around waiting to get into the concert and then from bouncing around once the concert started and then even more sore since that I did that two days in a row. I’d do it again in a heartbeat too. When you’re at a Bruce Springsteen concert, not only are you watching a legend but it feels like you’re watching a legend. I’ve seen other bands perform and they just are not interesting but Bruce puts on a show. The music is loud and exhilarating and he has been preforming from his big back catalog of hits and not just the stuff on his newest album (which is also quite good).
To the left here is a generic arena picture. I’ve marked the areas I’ve seen Bruce from now. We did pretty poorly the past two days for the pit lottery but we still get in before the general GA people meaning we’re still in the first third of the floor. Looking at where I put the blue and white dots, I’m realizing now that they need to be moved up more because, like I said, we were in the first third of GA.They should probably be closer to the green area and the green area should be closer to the front too but anyway that’s not important.
Click the jump to continue reading if you’re interested in seeing what his set list consisted of for our past couple of concerts and if you want to see a breakdown of the tracks played. I’m sure no one is really interested. I’m just doing it for me. I’ll post a few pictures there too.

March 28, 2008
Portland, Oregon
The Rose Garden
Night { lyrics }
Radio Nowhere { lyrics }
Lonesome Day { lyrics }
Gypsy Biker { lyrics }
Magic { lyrics }
Reason To Believe { lyrics }
Candy’s Room { lyrics }
Prove It All Night { lyrics }
She’s The One { lyrics }
Livin’ In The Future { lyrics }
The Promised Land { lyrics }
For You { lyrics }
Lost In The Flood { lyrics }
Devil’s Arcade { lyrics }
The Rising { lyrics }
Last To Die { lyrics }
Long Walk Home { lyrics }
Badlands { lyrics }
Girls In Their Summer Clothes { lyrics }
Jungleland { lyrics }
Born To Run { lyrics }
Dancing In The Dark { lyrics }
American Land { lyrics }
March 29, 2008
Seattle, Washington
Key Arena
Trapped { lyrics } Tour Premiere
Radio Nowhere { lyrics }
No Surrender { lyrics }
Lonesome Day { lyrics }
Gypsy Biker { lyrics }
Magic { lyrics }
Reason To Believe { lyrics }
Darkness On The Edge Of Town { lyrics }
Because The Night { lyrics }
She’s The One { lyrics }
Livin’ In The Future { lyrics }
The Promised Land { lyrics }
Waitin’ On A Sunny Day { lyrics }
Your Own Worst Enemy { lyrics }
Point Blank { lyrics } Tour Premiere
Devil’s Arcade { lyrics }
The Rising { lyrics }
Last To Die { lyrics }
Long Walk Home { lyrics }
Badlands { lyrics }
Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out { lyrics }
Rosalita { lyrics }
Born To Run { lyrics }
American Land { lyrics }
Breakdown of Tracks I’ve seen Performed
Song | Times Played |
Radio Nowhere | 4 |
Lonesome Day | 4 |
Gypsy Biker | 4 |
Magic | 4 |
Reason to Believe | 4 |
She’s the One | 4 |
Living in the Future | 4 |
The Promised Land | 4 |
Devil’s Arcade | 4 |
The Rising | 4 |
Last to Die | 4 |
Long Walk Home | 4 |
Badlands | 4 |
Born to Run | 4 |
American Land | 4 |
Girls in Their Summer Clothes | 3 |
Dancing in the Dark | 3 |
No Surrender | 2 |
Your Own Worst Enemy | 2 |
Trapped | 1 |
Darkness on the Edge of Town | 1 |
Because the Night | 1 |
Waitin’ on a Sunny Day | 1 |
Point Blank | 1 |
Tenth Avenue Freeze Out | 1 |
Rosalita | 1 |
Night | 1 |
Candy’s Room | 1 |
Prove it All Night | 1 |
For You | 1 |
Lost in the Flood | 1 |
Jungleland | 1 |
Two Hearts | 1 |
Tunnel of Love | 1 |
Racing in the Street | 1 |
Working on the Highway | 1 |
Thundercrack | 1 |
The Ties the Bind | 1 |
Adam Raised a Cain | 1 |
Town Called Heartbreak | 1 |
Backstreets | 1 |
Thunder Road | 1 |
Grand Total 93 Songs Performed