I would just like to take a moment to say that Braid has been one of the single most enjoyable experiences on the Xbox 360 and if you have one and do not own it, I do not wish to be friends with you any more. Seriously though, you are really missing out. For those that may not know, Braid is about a guy trying to work out his issues with past mistakes. There are no lives in this game, and there is no way to lose a level. You can manipulate time (ie: rewind) to learn from your mistakes. You also use this mechanic and a level specific mechanic to solve a variety of puzzles and piece together the backstory of Braid and it’s main character. As I said already, it’s unqiue, it’s fun, it’s compelling, and visually it looks like you’re playing a painting. The game is simply masterful. Again, I can not recommend this game to you enough. Think about it this way: I play a LOT of games, and I don’t believe I’ve EVER recommended a game on my site before…